Friday, October 31, 2008

Dificult takes us a day; imposible, a week

Hurray! The beast is dead!

And by “the beast” I mean my sucky room and by “dead” I mean that I moved. But yes! After dodging all the naw-sayers and much bureaucracy… Martin (my roommate) and I made it out of our shitty 1st-floor room (room 110) up to the 8th-floor (room 805).

Life on the 8th floor is a blast. Our view has changed from a plain white wall of the building next to us… to an amazing view of Chelsea and the London Eye. But that is just one of many benefits. Here is a table comparing changes (yeah... it's a screenshot from Word):

So it’s pretty obvious why 805 is so much better.

We also secretly kept a key-card for 110...which means we have access to 2 kitchens... so we can go into their kitchen and take dishwasher pellets when we run out.
Thanks to this, I was able to get back in the dreaded 110 and take a few pictures. As I was doing that... my camera died...reminding me that both my battery charger and card reader were in the US. So I went out and spent about £30 on a USB multi-card reader and a battery charter (not THAT bad since the charger came with 2 AA and AAA batteries).

Anyhow... I’ve been wanting to do an in-depth observation of my (not so) wonderful accommodations IES provides to us. So I think I’ll go on a picture-taking-spree tomorrow and blog about that.

Until then!

- Maurice W.

PS: here is an e-mail from work I found pretty funny - lol

On Friday 31 October there may be an anti-capitalist demonstration around Reuters Plaza, Canary Wharf, commencing at around 5.00pm. Participants of this event intend to congregate outside the main entrance to the Jubilee underground, adjacent to Reuters Plaza. It is not known how many people will take part but it is possible it could involve large numbers. Participants may be wearing Halloween-themed fancy dress to conduct 'trick or treat'.

Please note that if this event does take place on a large scale, it may be covered by the national and international media. Due to the potential crowds there will be an enhanced police and security presence on the Estate.

1 comment:

Kate N said...

Hey! How was Guy Fawkes Night?? Glad to hear about the upgrade in rooming.