Friday, November 14, 2008

The weekend is upon us

Finally Friday, and what a weekend I have ahead...

- Ferry Corsten @ Ministry of Sound
- Recover from the night before
- London Tower and London Bridge
- Triplet house party in Hackney (tentative)
- All-day tour of Stonehenge, Winsor Castle and Oxford
- Some how still have energy to go to work the next day

On the flip side... every time I check the gaming news... I feel nostalgia from being away from consoles in such AWESOME times...
Here is a list of all what I won't be able to play until late December (if I still have money) ;_;
  • Mirrors Edge
  • Call of Duty 5: World at War
  • Little Big Planet
  • Resistance 2
  • Guitar Hero: World Tour
  • PixelJunk Monster trophies patch
  • High Velocity Bowling trophies patch
  • Fallout 3
  • Gears of War 2
  • Xbox 360 interface upgrade (NXE)
  • Motor Storm Pacific Rift
  • Rock Band 2 DLC (new Foo Fighters album)

Oh well... this is first in my short but frequent blog posts... and I'm glad for that 'cause I need to go take a nap before we go to Ministry in about 2 hours. Also... expect some new pix for Monday of my crazy weekend travels.

Peace out homies
- Maurice W.

PS: sorry for no pix this time around... but I'm too hyped about Ministry and I need to sleep. I'll make up for it by the time the weekend is over - I promise ;)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Wow, so glad I check this blog every day to see if you have added any posts, you'd think I would have given up hope by now. Hope you're having too much fun, and that is why you haven't written anything in forever, because I'll want to hear allll about it when you get back.