Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekend roundup

So lets recap what I actually did this weekend:

  • Ministry of Sound
  • Walk around the London Bridge area
  • Windsor Castle
  • Stonehenge
  • Oxford

In case you read my last post... you may notice that we did not make it to the Tower of London. But more on that later... lets go in order:

Ministry of Sound

Prolly the most awesome club I have been to. 4 separate rooms + a VIP area. Each with a different DJ and each with its own environment - totally independent from the others. Simply amazing.

London Bridge

As I said... we did not make it to the Tower of London,. Why? The placed closed at 4pm... and we were not ready to leave until around 3-ish so it was pointless. So I just went back to bed while the rest of the group went somewhere (no clue where), woke back up at 5pm and decided to randomly walk around London. After walking about about 50min (and a few tube stops later), I found my self in the London Bridge area.
Many people confuse Tower Bridge with London Bridge. Let me clarify this for you: Tower Bridge is the fancy looking bridge, while London Bridge (as seen in the picture above) is a simple plain old bridge. London Bridge, how ever, does have an amazing view of Tower Bridge.

Me, standing on London Bridge with Tower Bridge in the back

Windsor Castle, Stonehenge and Oxford
This was part of a tour. Left around 9am, got to Windsor at 10-ish and stayed there for about 2 hours. Then off to Stonehenge for about 50min then Oxford for 1 hours 30 min.
While all 3 places were nice, what I loved the most about the tour was our guide. His name was Fill (or Phill?)(or so he said). Very British, very talkative, very informative.
that's him (in the hat) talking about the first coal-powered train in London and some history about Windsor.

Stonehenge was a bit over rated in my opinion. While it is amazing to see such HUGE stones in such an elaborate formation... at the end of the day they are just a bunch of stones. Also.. they are not AS big as they always look in pictures.
Oxford was the last place we visited. I felt like I could spend all day walking through Windsor Castle... but I would have loved to spend the night in Oxford. It just has a great small-town feeling - very cozy and comfortable. Not to mention that it has 19 college, all which make up Oxford University. So many little streets and such beautiful looking buildings. OH! There was also an open street market in Oxford for the weekend... and the food... good lord the food... it all look SOOO GOOD.

A booth at the open market. Yes... it smelled as amazing as it looks. anyone know where I can find one of these in the US?

This is an entrance to one of the 19 colleges in Oxford. They all look as magnificent as this one.

So that was my weekend in a nutshell. If anyone still wants more pictures, the rest of them can be found over at my Flickr page - so feel free. Most pictures are 8 megapixel, but a few are 5 (not many) so you'll be able to see every little detail if you really want to ;-)

Till next time mates.

Maurice W.

PS: sorry for changing the font style on this post... but Flickr seems to have removed the 'Font Family' option from their WYSISYG editor. Oh well.

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