Friday, December 5, 2008

Breaking the silence

After 2 weeks of not touching my blog... I must apologize for my negligence. Truth is that my MQP has actually started to become a time suck (who would have thought, huh) and when I get home from BofA... I find my self just wanting to eat and not do much of anything else.

But yeah.. that's my excuse. Thanks giving came and went... nothing to spectacular there. Took Friday off and just slept the entire day. The only 'turisty' day was Saturday... and all we did was go to the British Museum. Did you know that most of their collection is stolen? From the Rossetta stone, to the mummies all the way to the japanese artifacts - si it was a bit funny. Now you must be asking you self "so were are the pix of this place"... and the short answer is that I don't have have. The long answer is that since I haven't used my caera since I went to Oxford... I totaly forgot that my batteries were dead.....until I got to the museum and it would not turn on >_< doh!

Since I don't have picture to provide my readers with entertainment, I have compiled a list. I call this list "Things that make me lol".
  • American hip-hop and gagster rap in British bars
  • +40-year-old couples in the club
  • Blue-color British comuters obsession with BlackBerries
  • Down jackets and scarfs in 50ºF weather
  • Sky news
  • 90's American movies on late-night British TV

And that's about it... I have exactlly 2 more weeks in the UK and 1 more week of MQP. So I'll have a week to my self and not waking up early - which I'm looking for.

So yeah... my posts are going to be a bit lacking at least for the next week which is when my MQP will be officially over. So until peeps.

Maurice W.

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